Welcome to Design 360

Design 360

We take immense pleasure in welcoming all the participants to the 1st edition of the IIIT Delhi's Designathon, Design 360.

About the event

Design 360 - a 16-hour overnight designathon is a part of Odyssey'17, the annual cultural fest of IIITD. The teams give solutions to critical problems through design, prototyping, and testing ideas. The teams get the opportunity to design solutions for some very interesting and challenging problems.

The main focus of this event is: how can we design human-centered systems that people find useful and usable?

Problem Statement

Cyber Security Awareness
Background: India is the second most populated country in the world. India’s cyberspace comprises of IT networks, computer resources and all the devices that are connected to the global internet. A nation’s cyberspace is part of the global logic which cannot be isolated due to its borderless nature. The rise of Internet population of India has meant that while the threats to the internet and cyberspace might have remained more or less the same as before, the probability of disruption has grown with the rise in a number of users. This increasing online population has proved a happy hunting ground for cyber criminals, with losses due to cyber crimes being in billion of Rupees worldwide. A lot of individuals don’t know about the problems that lurk on the dark side of the internet. 

Solution: Design a community platform for people which will help them understand the cyber crimes, scams, spying applications, etc. that are being used to attack online users and keep them up to date on the latest cyber security trends.

Bonus: Design (describe) your solution can remain up to date on the latest cyber threats.

Fake News
Background: Fake news or post-truth, is a phenomenon that has been a trend for quite a while now. The means that the after effect of a piece of fake news going viral on social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter etc. is far different from that happening on other media platforms. It may seem like the fake news is hardly relevant to IT but the concept is actually crawling into the world of information security in a much subtle format. For example, The day after demonetization was announced, there was a viral news picture that reported that the new Rs 2000 note has a nano GPS. 

Solution: Design a solution to fight fake news - a platform where a person can easily find out whether given news is fake or not. You can assume your software knows about what percentage of the news is fake.

Bonus: Design (describe) a solution on how you can detect whether a news is fake or not. (What percentage of it is fake)

* Bonus part is to be submitted as a part of the final report. 

Deadlines during the event
1:00 am 25th March 2017
  • Ideation - General scribbling, how will you solve the problem, identify your user, tasks assigned.
  • Survey, Contextual Inquiry - Reach a decision on the features to be included in the system by conducting surveys or contextual inquiries. To understand your user base, what they need, what are the inconveniences, what all features are required in the application. You’ll be required to submit the questions and responses both.
3:00 am 25th March 2017
  • Affinity diagram - Organise your data from the survey and contextual inquiry into groups based on natural relationships. You can use online tools like realtimeboard.com
5:00 am 25th March 2017
  • Pen paper prototype on the A4 sheets. Also called Low-fidelity prototype. Provide your initial solution by designing the low fidelity designs.
10:00 am 25th March 2017
  • High Fidelity prototype - Reiterate on your designs, for eg. make them more intuitive, easy for people to understand. And make High fidelity prototypes using the application of your choice (You can use InVision, Proto.io or any other application of your choice)
12:00 pm 25th March 2017
  • Submit a blog with inferences, what responses you got from surveys, what were the changes you made in high fidelity prototype and why, how will you keep the users active on the application.
  • Bonus: Submit a video that explains how your application solves the particular problem.

Happy designing! :)


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